Tuesday, May 24, 2016

RIP 2016 Garden

Daniel and I have a contingency plan for hail storms, including hard hats and tarps to cover our garden in the case there is a storm. We have, in the past, been able to save our garden by covering our garden before the storm hits. One year we could hear the hail coming, it sounded like a train and had fair warning! But this year we didn't see the warning in time.

After it was over I went out to salvage what I could by removing the ice from the seedlings. The tomatoes and peppers took the biggest beating. We had purchased these as seedlings so the good news was that they could be replaced with a visit to the local nursery. Everything else was green but had few leaves, so the verdict was out.

Update: We replaced the tomato and pepper plants and everything else recovered. The hail storm put our growing season behind a few weeks. However, it is October now and we are still harvesting tomatoes, collards, Swiss chard, kale and cabbage.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Asparagus and Artichokes

I love to plant perennials that come back every year. It is only our third year for asparagus and artichoke but they are peaking up early this year. We also have blue berries, black berries, raspberries an cherry and apricot tree. The neighborhood used to be an apple orchard so we always get a share of apples from our neighbors as well.

Blue Berries

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Within just a couple of weeks seeds are sprouting all over the garden! Spinach, Kale, Collard Greens and radishes are peaking up. This is when you start envisioning your garden in full bloom,


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Mark your rows when drinking!

Most important, especially if you mix alcohol with seed planting, mark your rows with labels, I can't tell you how many times we have been like "did we plant that there?".